

Corvecto’s HotelsVR platform allows you to step into luxurious hotels and resorts around the world to explore them in true spatial 3D

  • Enable prospective customers to explore your luxury accommodation in 1 to 1 scale realism from the comfort of their living rooms anywhere in the world

  • Facilitate navigation through your suites, rooms and facilities

  • Use your smartphone to project a hologram onto any flat surface

Contact us to learn more!


Navigate spatial replicas of your luxury accomodation

Stand in, walk around and interact within 3D modelled environments. Get a true sense of space and presence through virtual reality’s deepest level of immersion.


Use AR to project a hologram using your smartphone

Access to exploring the models with minimal friction from most modern smartphones (both iPhone & Android supported)

Place the 3D modelled environment on a flat surface and proceed to use your smartphone like a window to view the hologram in your physical environment.